October’s VIDEO OF THE MONTH is from our old favourites DOG IS DEAD (well as old as you can be when you are only 19/20), we’ve been with them (or they’ve been with us?!) from our earliest days so we confess to having quite a sweetspot for them.
It’s also incredibly exciting to see a band evolve like they have, and inspiring too. We hope by sharing the journeys of the acts that are pushing on to higher levels (be it DOG IS DEAD, HARLEIGHBLU , JAKE BUGG or any of the other acts knocking on the door named ‘realising our musical dreams’) we can help inspire you too, as well as educate, share tips and provide an opp for the artist to ‘give-back’.
As such we will be announcing a very exciting competition in conjuction with DOG IS DEAD via the New Music Podcast on Monday, their manager Dan Ealam will also be one of our guest speakers at our next NUSIC WORKSHOP sharing some of the lessions learned over the last year.
This sums up our ‘expanding approach’ as the Nottingham scene grows and starts to produce musical stars. We will continue as always to have our focus on young, undiscovered musical talent. We will also now (free of the ‘unsigned’ in our name) continue to report back on the journey of those who have ‘graduated’ from our initial ethos and activity, hoping to share, inspire and provide an opportunity to give back.
Here is DOG IS DEAD‘s brand new single ‘Hands Down‘ which sees them simultaneously flirt with girls, nail amazing harmonies and all whilst riding an Isle of Wight rollercoaster, it’s a hard life!
The single is out on iTunes on Monday October 31st.