TOP 3 GIGS – Week Beginning 7th July July 6, 2014July 6, 2014 admin222 BLOG, PREVIEWS, TOP 3 GIGS 94 Gunships, Adelphia, Anwyn Williams, April Towers, Ashmore, Band Of Jackals, Big Rhino, bitter strings, Bud, Captain Dangerous, Cheshire & The Cat, Connor Spray, Cut The Heroics, Deaf Bridges, Ear Vings, Frazer Lowrie, Hallouminati, Hearts, Hello Tomorrow, Hey Quadraphonic, Iron Swan, Isaaka, Izzy Marie Hill, Jamie Moon, Josh Kemp, Josh Wheatley, Lacey, Leah Sinead, Mammothwing, Molly & Jack. The G.O.A Choir, One Bomb, Opie Deino, Origin One, Practical Lovers, Privateers, Ronika, Royston Duxford, Ryan Thomas, Salmagundi, Sam Jones, Sea Monster Eyes, The Barnum Meserve, The Damn Heavy, The Most Ugly Child, Ulysses Storm, Widows We’ve got a ram packed week in the Nottingham music scene for you yet again. This week sees a killer Pop-Punk show, and... Read more