TOP 3 GIGS – Week Beginning 16th June June 15, 2014June 15, 2014 admin222 BLOG, FSNSPLENDOURCOMP, PREVIEWS, TOP 3 GIGS 1st Blood, Albion, Ben Haynes, Blue Vuilture, Cheap Jazz, Crosa Rosa, Dreaded Monkey, Euler, Field Studies, Future Sound of Nottingham, Gloria's Daughter, Golden Troubadours, Hot Money, Ill Citizen, Jiallo, Josh Wheatley, Joy Mumford, Leah Sinead, LeeTabix, Lunadogs, Matt Robinson, No Disco, North Road, Oscar Speed, Red Fire Ants, Richard Jenkins, Robyn Hughes-Jones, Royston Duxford, Silas Max, Tazer, The Chase, The Damn Heavy, The Long Intros, The Rascels, the swiines A HUGE week for the Nottingham music scene this week. With a bit of something for everyone… oh, and then there’s the FSN... Read more