BLOG February 16, 2014February 17, 2014 TOP 3 GIGS – Week Beginning 17th February We could not start this weeks Top Three without pointing out that Nottingham’s wonderboy... admin222 Alaskan Faction, Alice Macey, April Towers, Arse Full of Chips, Ashmore, Cheshire & The Cat, I Am Lono, Jake Bugg, Jamie Moon, Kick The Rabbit, Rebecca King, The Lacehouse, the swiines
BLOG February 9, 2014February 17, 2014 TOP 3 GIGS – Week Beginning 10th February GIG ONE THE IDOLINS are putting out a cracking new EP and to... admin222 Alice Macleod, Anwyn Williams, Connor Spray, Frankie Rudolf, Georgie Rose, Hunting Helen, Opie Deino, Sam Jones, The Idolins
BLOG February 2, 2014February 17, 2014 TOP 3 GIGS – Week Beginning 3rd February GIG ONE PRIME create furious, in your face rock & roll and were right... editor Acer, Aja, Georgia Copeland, Indiana, Leah Sinead, One Bomb, Prime, Sea Monster Eyes, Ujahm, Wreh-Asha
BLOG January 26, 2014February 17, 2014 TOP 3 GIGS – Week beginning 27th January GIG ONE Our current future session artist JOSH WHEATLEY is releasing his EP “Follow The... admin222 Aja, Frankie Rudolf, Frazer Lowrie Cheshire & The Cat, Jamie Moon, Josh Wheatley, MJ Lynch, OnegirlOneboy, Stuck In Second, YouthOracle