ACADEMY September 3, 2018September 5, 2019 INSTAGRAM FOR INDEPENDENT MUSICIANS – Advice Video In 2018, Instagram is arguably the most powerful social network out there for independent... admin222
ADVICE January 3, 2018September 5, 2019 FOUR TOP SPOTIFY TIPS – Advice Video Here are four top tips / insights to help you become a Spotify wizard.... admin222 Music Advice, Spotify Playlists, Spotify Tips
ADVICE November 10, 2017September 5, 2019 NUSIC ACADEMY PRESENTS SPOTIFY – Spotify Artist & Manager Masterclass (November 2017) Our next Nusic Academy Workshop sees Spotify come to Nottingham to present an Artist... admin222 Nusic Academy, Spotify, Workshop
ACADEMY September 14, 2017September 5, 2019 Releasing Music – Nusic Academy Workshop Highlights Video We had a chat with the July 2017 Workshop speakers, all about releasing music.... admin222 Academy, Music Advice, Workshop