After the epicness of October where we effectively had three ARTISTS OF THE MONTH in the form of NATALIE DUNCAN, DOG IS DEAD and JAKE BUGG normal service is resumed in November. This month the batton passes to the musical phenomena that is INJURED BIRDS.
November is a big month for the band as they have released their debut album Silver Birches (via local label Denizen Recordings), and it’s already received critical acclaim from The Guardian, Time Out and The Metro. Consisting of ten tracks including their singles Happy As Clams and Hey Now Hey Now the album is diverse as the contrast between the two singles infers. Every podcast in November (next one out on Monday) will feature tracks from the album to give you a taste of that diversity. Or even better you could just go out and buy it now!
Silver Birches is available to buy from Rough Trade, iTunes and Amazon. In town the band ‘have it on good authority’ that The Music Exchange is stocking the album, they also stock a wide range of local artists so always worth checking out.
We hope to feature an interview with the band later in the month.
Spread The Love
PS You can next catch the band live in Nottingham at Sounddhism at The Bodega on Dec 1st.