Tom: Hello Indiana, how are you on this wet Friday evening?
INDIANA: Okay thank you, I’m watching England try and play football.
Tom: So the Market Square gig really was the first time you’ve ever played live?
INDIANA: Yup. First ever gig.
Tom: What made you first enter the Future Sound of Nottingham competition?
INDIANA: My boyfriend James told me about it on the last day of entry, wasn’t really sure what I was entering.
Tom: How has your life changed since you walked off that stage in Market Square?
INDIANA: The events that unfolded after that performance have lead to me being able to quit my job and pursue my music career full time.
Tom: Rumour has it that you’ve signed to a major label?
INDIANA: Nothing signed as of yet, but I’m in talks with about 7… which is mind blowing.
Tom: And one of the biggest management companies in the world?
INDIANA: Yeah XIX also known as 19.
Tom: This must all feel a bit surreal?
INDIANA: Unbelievably so.
Tom: How would you describe your music?
INDIANA: That’s a hard question to answer, 80’s inspired progressive electronica is one description that my style has been given but I find it difficult to put a label on what I do.
Tom: Although you are relatively new to the game, what d’you make of the Nottingham music scene so far?
INDIANA: Proper little supportive family. There’s a lot of talent in Nottingham too.
Tom: How do you feel about playing the best live music venue in The UK on Sunday?
INDIANA: Shush. I’m trying not to think about it. I’m really excited but I’m so nervous!
Tom: You’ve recently been added to the Splendour line up? Excited, nervous?
INDIANA: I can’t believe it, keep thinking I’m gonna get a phone call saying it was a mistake and I’m not actually meant to be playing!
Tom: What does the future hold for Indiana? Or more simply, what is your dream?
INDIANA: As long as I can write and perform my own music I will be happy.
Tom: Just so we can find out more about the real you…
Tom: Favorite food?
INDIANA: I love food. Too much. This is a hard question! Erm… I like olives.
Tom: Favorite way to have a good time?
INDIANA: Perform!!! Cant believe I’ve only just started doing this!
Tom: What sort of music makes the most played on your iPod?
INDIANA: I don’t have one! I steal my boyfriends. He has amazing taste in music. I don’t even know who I’m listening to half the time but I’m always repeating stuff by The XX, Portishead, Stevie Wonder, Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson and I love my 80’s power ballads.
Tom: Impossible question….favorite song ever?
INDIANA: Gabriel. The Joe Goddard version. It’s the song that opened so many doors for me, it was the catalyst to all this basically. It means so much to me, so much so I named my cat Gabriel.
Tom: Impossible question nĂºmero 2 … Favorite lyric ever?
INDIANA: I can’t answer that. There’s too many. Sorry!
Tom: If you could organise your own festival who would you have as your three headliners?
INDIANA: These questions are ridiculous! If I had to give an answer… I’d say The XX, Radiohead and Anthony and the Johnsons.
Tom: They are pretty ridiculous! Cheers and see you at Rock Citeh!
Yours in Love of New Music,
Tom Hadfield x